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What my students are saying

ROXANNE REYNOLDS is a teacher we all hope for: competent, compassionate and caring. She is Wonderful! I would take classes from her all over again. I hope you do too.

Susan Johnson, R.N.

I have recently enjoyed Tai Chi Kung. The exercise has helped to lower my blood pressure, improve my balance and I've "learned" to slow down a little and communicate with my inner self.

Chloe Rosedale, Resident Las Palmas Grand

Soon after being diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in April 2006. I began attending "The Art of Moving" and T'ai Chi classes given once a week by Roxanne. After 2 years I am still functioning very well without the need for any PD medication. Most of the participants in both classes have varying degrees of PD. Roxanne is extremely patient with those who have very limited movement and her sense of humor encourages everyone to try harder. She gives us tips on breathing and easy maneuvers that can be done everyday at home to keep us from having more of the instability and stiffness that are part of PD. I personally use breathing techniques and stretching exercises daily that I have learned from Roxanne so that I can stay physically active and to try to keep the need for PD  medication at bay. Thanks Roxanne for being there to help us.

Suzanne Cadman, Student

After taking several tai chi sessions and with practice my legs muscles, shoulders

and joints are stronger. I like the fact that one does not have to get on the floor

and exercise to obtain this degree of wellness. I can do tai chi anywhere, anytime.

When the movements are done with proper music the whole session is soothing.

I hope to continue tai chi for the rest of my life. Another important aspect is to

have a teacher who enjoys and can teach all aspects of tai chi and convey its

serenity. I feel lucky to have found that teacher.

 Peggy Beene, Student

 "I have been practicing Roxanne’s good advice to “live in the NOW”. When I’m walking anywhere or reaching into the cabinets or hurrying to answer the phone, I work hard at trying to stay involved in what I’m doing at the moment. If my brain wants to multitask, I wait until I am seated firmly in my chair…….and not chasing the cat or running downstairs."

Linda, Mesa AZ
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